When Friday rolls around each week, there is always a new round of music releases to check out. Knowing what’s new and out there that you might like, however, is less sure. Considering the sheer volume of music on Spotify, it’s not as though the streaming service can make a playlist with everything that’a newly been added and expect it to be comprehensible or manageable.
In the absence of a playlist from a major streaming service including everything new that’s been added, here are three new releases on the softer side of things to check out this spring. To be clear, these releases still have plenty of force and meaning behind them, they’re just not Converge.
Homesafe — One
Homesafe is an intriguing band. On the surface, they might come off as a pop punk outfit, and indeed, that’s how they seem to be categorized a lot of the time. There’s more to the band and their music, though. They marry a bit of that youthful drive that underlies “pop punk” with some really catchy, more straight ahead rock. Their new album One is easily enjoyable well outside of the “pop punk” scene. It goes to show you again just how lacking genre classifications can be.
Quicksand — Triptych Continuum
The classic post-hardcore band Quicksand came back after many years in 2017 with the release of their legitimately long awaited third album, Interiors. The album is a polished exploration of what defines the band; it’s as if they take that familiar anger found in prominent “hardcore” outfits and peel back as many layers as possible, revealing what’s inside. Well, now they’re back again, having released a special three song EP for 2018’s Record Store Day called Triptych Continuum with material from the band’s career that had not been previously officially released. The release continues on with the band’s traditional but dynamic formula.
Jaye Jayle — No Trail and Other Unholy Paths
Of the three releases on this list, the new album from Jaye Jayle — featuring Evan Patterson, who is a part of the noise rock group Young Widows — is perhaps the most unique. It’s creeping, brooding “folk” music that at times goes very thin musically speaking while still maintaining a foreboding atmosphere. It’s the kind of music that feels like a soundtrack to a walk through the mountains in the dark — or anywhere in the dark, really.
Wherever your journeys take you this year, these three releases might be the perfect fit alongside you.
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