Atavistia Deliver Orchestrally Powerful Black Metal On New Single – Listen Here!

On their new single “The Forbidden One,” the Vancouver-based band Atavistia have crafted a soundscape packed full of expansive yet pummeling metallic ferocity. They use the foundation of the raw ferocity of especially pointed black metal, but besides funneling that sound through their piercing production, the band also add elements like the dramatic orchestral hugeness that features prominently on their latest single. Get a first listen below and check out an immersive lyric video that the band have made available!

The new song leads off with ferocious and orchestrally huge riffing accompanied by a shifting barrage of blast beats. As the song proceeds, the band evolve their sound into leaps of staggering heaves of especially dramatic riffing, which are accompanied by flashes of orchestral instrumentation in the mix. These poignant orchestral string components rise to the forefront of the song when, as the midpoint approaches, the band progress into more restrained, soulful performances.

The crescendos in the latter segments of the song pack startling flashes of orchestral strings accompanying increasingly intricate, progressive-sounding riffing, in which every note sounds like it’s reverberating with power. The song feels perfectly big and booming and provides a richly immersive experience of the band’s frigid soundscapes.

“The Forbidden One” appears on the new Atavistia album The Winter Way, which the band is self-releasing on May 29.

Discussing their new album as a whole, the band have shared elsewhere: “We are very happy with the turnout of The Winter Way. The album is quite dynamic ranging from pounding blast beats to emotional clean vocal driven sections. Our blood, sweat, and tears have poured into The Winter Way and we cannot wait to share it with the world.”

Nab pre-orders for the album via Bandcamp at this link.

Check out the song below!